Sunday, October 3, 2010

Introduction Part III

So I lied in my last post.  I have four people that I'm going to talk about.  It would be five, but I don't feel like writing about that person.  I really should replace that fifth person with someone else that I have recently been hanging out with a lot, but I'll just have to draw him later.

The first part of this friend introduction will go to none other than the Cara Bolley...
This is Cara.  I love her.  She is most definitely one of my best friends which is weird to say because I don't like girls.  Cara is the epitome of accident-prone.  I swear I have never been with her  for a time that she hasn't gotten injured in some way.  It's generally hilarious to both her, insiders, and outsiders. She also dresses like a hooker sometimes...but that's fine.  No one really cares.  Cara is almost like a little sister to me even though she's practically my age.  She's so innocent without being's precious.  If you want to follow her blog you should do so by clicking this here --> Cara's Blog

This is Fabio.  His real name is Ehren, but I don't care.  I shall never call him Ehren.  He is now and forever will be Fabio.  He used to have long, beautiful, flowing hair like the Italian male model Fabio, so I called him Fabio.  But he just decided to join the Marines (which is fraking AWESOME, by the way) and they took it all away.  He's actually still away at basic as far as I know. I miss him quite terribly.  I may or may not have gotten paid a dollar to let him slam me up against his car and kiss me his last night here before basic...but I digress.  Fabio likes swords and very dark, perverted humor.  And yes, you can combine those into one disturbing sexual joke like he would.  He owes me a few things.  Like: Mario Kart for my Wii, A centaur drawing he made, a piece of artwork his mom offered me, and one formal occasion.  We were supposed to go to his prom, but what does he do?  He claims he feels on edge and cancels on me.  LAME!!!  I was so upset.  You just don't even know...

This is Taylor.  She's my wife.  We're married.  Not for rizzle, but figuratively just like Brett and I are married.  I'm a polygamist and I'm damn proud of it!  I have 4 husbands and 2 wives.  I am proud to say that Taylor is my favorite wife.  We're planning on running away to Canada and getting married for real :P haha...not really, but that would kind of be awesome.  I would totally marry a woman just to say that I did it even though I'm not a lesbian.  Anyways, Taylor is in the United States Air Force.  She actually graduated from basic a few days ago.  That's why I have her all dressed up in a uniform.  I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to look like, so I kind of guessed.  But yeah, before she left for basic we would hang out all the time.  The only things we would do would be go to Burger King with Brett, watch Supernatural (greatest show EVER!!!), and watch movies.  Movies are very important to Taylor.  She has seen most likely over 1000 movies in her entire lifetime and she's only 19.  She was making a list of movies she's seen.  It's a bit ridiculous but totally awesome at the same time.  But yeah...I think I'll move on to the last person...

This is Tracey.  I know her drawing is a bit messed up, but I couldn't really fix it and it bothers me.  Tracey is a flirt.  She's fantastic.  And if you couldn't tell from the drawing she also goes to Purdue.  Purdue has pretty much taken the world away from me.  I need to go there.  Get a major in fashion design and make the world my oyster so I can put pretty pearls on all of my clothes.  But I love Tracey.  She's my T-rex :) .  I've tried to help her with her math homework, but it just doesn't work.  Numbers make sense to me.  Equations don't.  I feel like I'm getting really distracted on this section of the introduction.  Oh well, all you really need to know is what she looks like.  I think I'm going to work on my next introduction.  I'm almost done with it.  I just need to color in a few more things and I'm all set.  Whoo!

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