Monday, October 18, 2010


Why do I only have 6 followers?  That needs to change.  Everyone who reads this blog needs to follow it.  This is an amaxing blog!  (No, I did  not spell amaxing wrong.  I spell it with an x.)  I think I'm going to make a post about all the words/phrases I've made up so you all understand better.  It's like my own Urban Dictionary but xina-ized...

amaxing: (uh-MAY-zing) adj. like amazing but ten times greater.  Kristina Hoover is so amaxing!

creeperbate: (KREE-per-bate) v. the act of pleasuring oneself while stalking someone.  Juaquin broke his leg falling out of a tree when he went to creeperbate while watching Raquel through her window.

nosferataur: (nahs-fer-AH-tar) n. a mythical being that is the vampiric form of a centaur.  Fabio battled six nosferataur in his front yard yesterday afternoon and stabbed himself in the leg.

rapelationship: (raip-LAY-shun-ship) n. a relationship between two people, usually a guy and a girl, that is forced to be in existence over time by one or more other people.  Jonas went out with his friend Terry along with his [Jonas'] girlfriend and her friend Ursula for the seventh time hoping to create a rapelationship between the two of them.

**Sigh** I can't remember all of my made-up words.  I guess this dixinary is going to have to be in different parts.  I'm really just putting this up because I feel like I haven't posted in a while.  I need to draw some stuff too.  I suppose I could update this later and put pictures to it.  But I don't want to have to draw for all of my blog posts.  It takes a lot of time and energy to do so.  Bleh, I'm so tired and bored and I just wanna go home even though I'm sitting (more like laying) on the couch in my livingroom right now.  I hate working.  I don't want to go to work tomorrow.  Or ever.  If I could just not work for the rest of my life that would be dandy.  So whoever wants to fund the rest of my life please contact me because I'm not working.  The end.

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