Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wha-What?! I'm back...ish. Can you believe there is a new post?! I know, I can't either. I'm sitting...laying on Cameron's bed right now listening to crappy music blaring from his sister's room. It's starting to give me a headache and I may or may not be snowed in his house for the next day or so. I'm not quite sure yet. Bleh, my ankle hurts and I have no idea why and I'm just in an overall bad mood. I feel like every time I write a post I'm in a bad mood. But that's fine and none of you have to worry about that because you're not in close proximity to me at any time. So I still need to put up some pictures that I said I was going to put up. Here's that picture of Michael I said I was going to post like...a month ago...
Yep...that is my epic picture of the Archangel Michael. I don't care if you don't think it's very epic. He's badass and that's all that really matters. And here is the other picture I drew that night which looks horrible, but some people think it looks better than my epic picture of epicness...
It looks like hell. I couldn't erase the bad parts because the eraser on the pencil was basically gone and it was the kind that's hard and gritty that never erases anything. I hate those kind. Okay well I suppose that will be all for now so I'ma go and watch some Beyond Belief Fact or's like a flashback from the '90s and it makes me really happy. The end.

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