Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Freaking Mimes, Man...

Oh my gosh. So I am not tired at all and it's 2 in the morning. I had decided that boredom was imminent and began to open various folders. As I was exploring my computer, I stumbled upon some old comic work I had made in the 9th grade...

Once upon a time, I was a Freshman in high school. I was in an honors English class (how I passed and managed to not get detentions, I don't know). One day in said English class, we were discussing mimes for some odd reason. One kid of the name Nicholas Stephan blurted out, "What if you were trapped on an island of mimes?!" And thus my comic began! I never really shared any of these comics with anyone. I made them on MS Paint and saved them in a folder that has been unseen by eyes for...goodness, 5 years? That's a long time. And that makes me feel REALLY old. I think it would be almost 6 years now. Mein Gott, how do I not have wrinkles now?! Anyways, here are my mime-alicious comics!

Nothing is consistent and the mime shapes suck, but I don't care. I think they're utterly fantastic and that is probably because It's 2:30 now and I'm delusional. I have been making comics for a long time. I just realized that. Since like...3rd grade. Maybe it's what I'm "meant to do." Ha! That's a good one. I'm pretty sure I'm going to spend my whole life in a cloud of unknowing-ness and end up living in my parents house as a fat blob eating Goldfish and LifeSavers all day. Oh the joys of my promising future...

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