Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So Many Things

Do you ever wish there was more time in the world? **Sigh** I wish I had all the time in the world. Technically, since time is a man-made concept, I could man-make my own hours and say there are really 40-some hours a day and not 24.something...but that would collide with the rest of the world's man-made time and they would raid my house with torches and throw pitch-forks at my dog. Anyways, I'm only saying this because I want to start up another blog that I know I don't have time for. I suppose I could start it up and not do anything with it, but that would be dumb and boring. Whatever...I'm going to do it. I won't be able to keep up with it or this one for that matter, but I don't care. Carpe diem right? I'm hungry. I just ate too. So I take it back that I want more time in a day because that would consist of more meals and more meals would need more money that I don't have...but that doesn't mean I'm not going to start up that other blog.

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