Tuesday, March 1, 2011

[Insert Long and Heavy Sigh Because a Title Is Just Not Good Enough]

Is it bad that I regret posting Rules of the Rural? I feel like my other blog posts can never compare to the funniness that is that post. All of the ones I've posted after that one haven't been nearly as funny or awesome. It makes me feel like I can't even measure up to myself :( Mmm...I need to be getting to bed. I have to be up early. I brushed my teeth two hours ago, but I really want a Girl Scout cookie. I'm going to do it and I don't care. This cookie just thanked me in Spanish. Well, de nada, cookie. You tasted wonderful. Don't tell Cam, but I'm going to finish the rest of this box. He will be upset to find this out. And also that there probably aren't any fortune cookies left. He has recently started to keep things at my house...like food. And all of his movies. And his class A's. Well I think I'm done writing for the night. And just in case you're reading this, Justin, I mention you in the previous blog post. At the time I wished you a happy birthday that was the newest blog post. So I apologize for any confusion I may have caused you. And PS, I still mentioned you in this one which is the newest one, but that doesn't really matter :P haha. Okay, I'm done now.

...There is one cookie left. I will save it for Cam because I'm nice like that...

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