Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Letter to My Readers

Dear Readers,
I would greatly appreciate it if you would click the "Follow" button at the top of this page here.  I would also greatly appreciate it if you would tell all of your friends out there to do the same thing.  I have a plan on something that I want to do on this here blog, but I need more people to do it.  It's somewhat interactive.  I can't have an interactive blog if you all just look at the pretty pictures and don't comment on them.  Comments are also greatly appreciated.  I need some feedback from you all!  I don't know if you like my stuff or if you hate it.  I'm not really looking for haters, though, but I'll take anything at this point.  I sound desperate.  Maybe that's because I am.  Seriously?  I only have six followers.  That needs to change.  I want more.  MORE, I TELL YOU!!!  I don't know what to do to get more followers.  I'm going to put this picture of curly fries up and hope that does the trick.
<3 xina

1 comment:

  1. I am following not because you're my sister, but because of that irrisistible picture of curly fries.

    Mmm, curly fries...

