Friday, December 3, 2010

I Can't Think of a Title, So "Wallaby Farts" Will Have to do...

Right now, I pretty much hate my life.  I just checked my stats and there is a pageview from a Google Image search with the words "slutty mirror pic."  I brought this on myself I know.  Well, you know what?  I am not a slut.  And don't you forget!

Anyways, I actually got on this not to talk about me being slutty, but to say, "OH EM GEEEEEE!!!!!  THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE BEEN ON MY PUTER IN A WEEEEEEEEEK!!!"  There was no reason for it really.  I just haven't felt like getting on.  I've been Christmas shopping and movie watching and watching it snow through the night.  That last sentence was very poetic.  I may or may not have shed a tear.  This post is boring.  I shall spice it up by showing you something I found to be quite hilarious.  So last week was probably the most boring week ever and all I did was play Bookworm.  Well, I was playing and I couldn't see any words to make when I saw the letters V-A-G next to each other.  I thought, "Hahaha, vag...I'm going to select them because I'm bored, there's no way it's a word."  So I selected those letters and, like I had thought, it was not a word.  And then I saw it...right next to the G...the letters I-N-A.  I just could not pass up this opportunity and clicked them to see if it would make a word...
960 points.  Yeah...I totally submitted that.  And at the end of the level they show you stats sort of.  Check this out...
It pretty much made my night...And that's the end of that story.  I'm hungry so I'm going to go eat something.

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